Tuesday 19 June 2012

let's sit and talk

Let's sit and talk - as we often do

of the moments that we share,
of being alive and breathing, and the joy of being here
let's contemplate to live in hope - that it will all turn out okay
and let ourselves still soldier on, to still a better day
lets laugh from the pit of our wiggly beings, of the silly things gone by
and forgive ourselves for never knowing how to do it right - or why
lets talk about the beautiful things we've done and the joy we may have bought
to the quiet lives of others, oh and the love we may have taught
let's consider the things our hands have made to bring warmth on chilly winter nights
and think on all the kisses given and all the tears we've dried
let's remember how we paid no never mind, when it didn't fit us like it should
let's remember that we did the most delicious things – and why? - because we could
let's remember that we may have loved and lost 
but consider that's the price that we must pay
for we know to live is indeed to love - so we gave our hearts away

Lets sit and talk – as we often do
and recall the loves that have passed our way -
the ones around the playground – on a giggly summer day
the ones we thought we'd ne'er get over – you remember - whats-his-name
(I think he had a sister who almost looked the same)
lets laugh ourselves to silly, as we talk about it now – a twinkle in a smiley eye, instead of furrowed brow
lets make jokes about the woulda, coulda's – the ones who got away
lets smile like a cheshire cat – as we get to love another day

Yeah, lets sit and talk – as we often do
and cherish the passion that drove us crazy – that wooed us into moonlit nights and blissful 'oopsadaisy'
as we tip-toed into wedded bliss where we had nay an ounce of doubt
(and realised not long after – we would like to tip-toe out)
but oh we cried, we laughed, we stayed – we battled the night through -
and plodded onwards knowingly, for what is love to do -
for love doth not count its losses, and love will have it's way -
for those who could not understand, and those who could not stay -
Yes, lets sit and talk – as we often do
for we are blessed beyond all measure -
to have had the chance to love at all
is indeed our greatest treasure

Mum, lets sit and talk – as we often do
of the love that ties one to another -
of forgetting silly differences – between brother, sister, mother
of being blessed enough to recognise how so little really matters
when first we thought of giving way to that little pitter-patter
oh how clever once, we thought we were – how great, our little plans
to raise adoring little angels – and courageous little mans
we paid no mind to worries and we conquered little foes
and all we really counted on were little fingers, little toes
we knew not to fight their battles – well maybe one or two
for what's a little battle and what's a heart to do
Lets sit and talk – as we often do – of the things we didn't see
in showing them to learn, to love and to live independently
we didn't see they wouldn't need us, we didn't see the Masters plan – we didn't know that we would miss them- no we didn't understand
so lets talk – when they forget to call us, when they forget that we exist
and contemplate the possibility that nothing is amiss -
let's giggle lots and take a bow and maybe give ourselves a hand -
cos' we 'growed' ourselves a woman – and we 'growed' ourselves a man

Let's sit and talk – as we often do
about the state of world affairs -
does anybody notice now, does anybody care
was there such a time we could ne'er forgive
like - when our kids did something wrong -
has everyone forgotten, has it really been that long
have we all become so sheltered, so protected from the game
that we fail to see the brokenness, the sorrow and the shame
have our tender hearts turned wooden so we don't have to feel the pain
of only being half alive and halfway in the grave -
let's sit and talk a moment and consider all the joy -
that gets flushed away in violences we commonly employ -
let's allow ourselves to see all others as we desire to be seen
and dispose ourselves of judgement – and consider others clean
let's make sure we see the lonely, the broken and the sad
as one's the Lord has trusted us to lend a helping hand -
it shouldn't be that difficult – we have talked it through and through -
and maybe all these little things – God has left to me and you
see, I think He loves us all that much – that He would always take the chance – and lean into a stubborn lass – and ask the girl to dance...
well, just as well you know me, and we talk as often as we do -
cause of all the redheads I have known, I pray He has His heart on you...

Yeah, so come and sit and let us talk
and you can tell it like it is
and let Him take your weathered heart and He will give you His
He won't promise you the pleasures that will leave you feeling dead
He has a promise for you greater than you ever thought instead
a promise so often taken lightly – it's not too hard to miss
I can't tell you everything, but I can surely tell you this-
to some it sounds so empty – and not a joy at all
it has caused the proud to stumble, it has caused proud to fall
but pay that pride no never mind – it does far more harm than good
and it never really got you all it promised that it would -
just come and sit and let us talk –
let's contemplate if it could possibly be true
that the same Jesus who has died for me -
has also died for you -

I'm so glad we get to sit and talk and to laugh, to cry, to smile
to consider all the maybe's, to chew the fat a while,
cause it isn't all that oft enough that you get to share the flows and ebbs of days
and for that I'm truelly thankful in so many many ways
I pray that this will bless you, I pray you are comforted each day – knowing you are dearly loved, in each and every way.

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